I first started this book right after finishing the first, but then shelved it when other shiny new ideas came along. Right now it's in the hand of some very competent beta readers, then it will be off to my editor for round #1. I'd love to say it will be out by Halloween, but that's probably getting a bit cocky. I will at least have the cover done by then, and can't wait to see my idea for it come to life!
Next project is one of my favorites to date, Paranormal Keepers. And yes, to all the awesome fans who have been begging for the sequel to Shymers, that will be coming as well. In the meantime, I'm feeling the need to celebrate. Is it Friday yet?

Celebrate girl! Who cares if it's Tuesday. Love the news and can't wait to read more.
Congratulations! Wow, it would be out fast.
YEAH!!!!! So excited!
Looking forward to reading this!
Ha, thank you! We went out for supper. ;)
Thank you, Alex! I know, I'm a dreamer...
I hope you like what happens next! :)
Looking forward to your feedback!
That's awesome news!!!!
By the way, I love the new look ;)
Also, also, also... I'm reading Cheating Death right now... and O_O... yeah, that's all I can come up with lol
Thank you! I'm pretty excited about the new look. The designer did an amazing job!
Agh, hope you're enjoying the read! :)
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